Projects Project

German Biogas Register

follows: The use of biomethane is subsidised by the government in a number of different ways, such as via the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) for electricity production, via the Renewable Heating Act (EEWärmeG) for heat production, or via the European emissions trading system (EU-ETS). In order to

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Projects Project

Involvement in the European Energy Network – EnR

The focus is on increasing energy efficiency, expanding renewable energies and modernising the energy infrastructure. dena held the EnR presidency for the first time 2016, and for the second time in 2023. The effect: The exchange and pooled expertise of the European energy agencies promotes practical [...] The challenge: The European energy transition needs Member States to cooperate with one another if it is to be successful. European energy policy is particularly effective when all nations pull together to achieve the most coordinated regulation possible. Our solution: The EnR supports European stakeholders

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  3. Involvement in the European Energy Network – EnR

Studie: dena-Netzstudie II.

hier herunterladen: dena-Netzstudie II (Zusammenfassung) (505 K, PDF) dena Grid Study II (final report) (15.3 M, PDF) Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the German Power Supply System from 2015 – 2020 with an Outlook to 2025 dena Grid Study II (summary) (403 K, PDF)