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Biomethane Industry Barometer 2024

Data collection, assessments, opinions and forecasts from industry players on developments, opportunities and challenges in the biomethane market

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Transformation of the biomethane market
The German biomethane market is going through a phase of transformation. Despite turbulence, such as the threat of trader insolvencies and price fluctuations, there has been an increase in planning and construction activities. The most urgent task right now is to diversify the portfolio and build up knowledge in order to prepare for the coming years. This is shown by a survey of German and European companies in the biomethane sector. The most important trends, topics and figures in the industry can be found in the Biomethane Industry Barometer 2024.

Opportunities for biomethane in the heat, fuel and electricity markets
The biomethane industry barometer shows various developments in the biomethane industry, including: 

  • The heating market promises new opportunities in the future thanks to the German Buildings Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz, GEG), with an estimated demand of 13 to 45 TWh for decentralised heating systems alone. This makes biomethane an option in sustainable local and district heating concepts.
  • Demand is expected to rise in the fuel market, particularly for bio-LNG. Meanwhile, every effort is being made to stabilise the sharp fall in the greenhouse gas quota price – through the upstream emissions reduction (UER) projects in question and imports of biodiesel from China.
  • The electricity market was revitalised by the solar package and the announced biomass package. This market had suffered significant losses due to the impending insolvency of a biomethane trader. At the same time, international trade is also gaining in importance outside Germany. However, there are still uncertainties regarding credits and subsidies.

About the Biomethane Industry Barometer
dena has been conducting the survey for the Biomethane Industry Barometer since 2012. The results are published annually and provide data surveys, assessments, opinions and forecasts from industry players on developments, opportunities and challenges in the biomethane market. It is compiled by means of:

  • A questionnaire
  • Individual interviews
  • The inclusion of data from the German Biogas Register
  • The consideration of relevant third-party publications
  • 08/01/23 Publication

    Biomethane Industry Barometer 2023

    dena has been conducting the ‘Branchenbarometer Biomethan’ (Biomethane Industry Barometer) survey since 2012.

Luftaufnahme von Biomethananlagen auf einem Feld

Biogas Partnership

Goal: to unite and support market players along the entire biogas feed-in value chain

Topics: Renewable energies, Funding, Buildings, Overall system, Business models, Legal framework, Industry, Infrastructure, Mobility, Heating transition, Generating and distributing energy

Runtime: since 2007