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Industry, Mobility and Energy Efficiency

This department addresses the consumption side of primary energy in industry and mobility and promotes energy efficiency

Our mission

A energy transition will only be successful if its utilisation is efficient. To this end, energy consumption in Germany needs to fall by 25 per cent by 2050, and consumption in the transport sector needs to fall by 40 per cent. We advise the German federal government and international institutions on policy instruments from individual measures to national energy efficiency plans. We offer answers on political framework conditions, on the use of transformation technologies, as well as on value chains, drive technologies and mobility behaviour for the two major consumption sectors of industry and transport.


Our approach

We want to activate stakeholders and users, develop long-term strategies and implement no-regrets measures that are effective in the short term. We offer expertise and experience from more than 20 years of project work. Our expert reports clarify specific issues and we use concepts for dialogue to moderate political processes. We design and manage projects with different focuses ranging from stakeholder dialogues and platforms to service-oriented offices and nationwide competence centres. 


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Our organisational structure

The department has around 75 employees and is divided into three work areas. 

Industry work area: We focus on the particular challenges facing companies and work with them to develop real-world solutions for energy and resource efficiency, digitalisation and energy management, and financing and funding. 

Mobility work area: We look at the challenges of the transformation of the transport sector and develop real-world solutions for alternative drives, fuels and mobility services together with decision-makers from politics, science, business and administration.

Energy Efficiency work area: We develop real-world solutions together with decision-makers from politics, science, business and administration, both nationally and internationally. Key topics are strategies, instruments and measures, technologies, services, products and markets.

Our contacts

  • Steffen Joest

    Steffen Joest

    Head of Division Industry, mobility and energy efficiency

  • Dietmar Gründig

    Dietmar Gründig

    Director, Industry and Trade

  • Emmanuel Lagrandeur-Bouressy

    Emmanuel Lagrandeur-Bouressy

    Director, Mobility

  • Michael Müller

    Director, Energy efficiency