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Messestand der dena mit unscharf aufgenommenen Messestandbesuchenden

Our company

dena is shaping the transformation to climate neutrality

This is one of the key challenges of our time. dena wants to help successfully shape this profound change in the economy and society. To this end, we are working with numerous stakeholders to develop and test real-world solutions.

We develop strategies, advise and bring together stakeholders and find innovative approaches to complex tasks.

We are a project enterprise and a public company. Our 600 employees in Berlin and Halle an der Saale work continuously on around 100 ongoing projects in both Germany and other countries around the world.

In our teams, we combine a wide range of expertise in all relevant areas. 

We take a holistic approach and work together with partners from politics, business, science and society. Our basic organisational structure consists of five departments, two multidisciplinary departments and two staff units.

Management, staff units and divisions of dena

  • Porträtfoto der dena-Geschäftsführerinnen Corinna Enders und Kristina Haverkamp


    Corinna Enders as Chairperson and Kristina Haverkamp as Managing Director form dena’s management team.

  • Staff Unit for Politics, Strategy and Key Issues

    This staff unit is the point of contact for an overarching exchange on political and strategic issues.

  • Staff Unit for International Cooperation

    This staff unit is the initiator, developer, implementer and coordinator of the international projects at dena.

  • The Future of Energy Supply

    This department examines renewable energies, infrastructure and synthetic energy sources in the overall system.

  • Industry, Mobility and Energy Efficiency

    This department addresses the consumption side of primary energy in industry and mobility and promotes energy efficiency.

  • Climate-neutral Buildings

    This department develops solutions for climate neutrality in buildings and brings together stakeholders.

  • Urban Energy Transition

    This department supports local authorities and stakeholders, promotes neighbourhood-based approaches and advances the heating transition.

  • Die Leuchtschrift vom Future Energy Lab am Eingang des Bürogebäudes.

    Digital Technologies and Startup Ecosystem

    This department promotes startups and innovations, advances pilot projects using new technologies and brings together stakeholders.

  • Communication

    This department shares knowledge, assembles topics and brings together stakeholders.

  • Zwei Frauen sitzen an Schreibtischen vor einem Fenster und arbeiten konzentriert an ihren Aufgaben.


    This department efficiently manages administrative issues, personnel matters and the growing dena sites.

You can download dena’s organisation chart here