Urban Energy Transition
This department supports local authorities and stakeholders, promotes neighbourhood-based approaches and advances the heating transition
Neighbourhoods and Cities work area: We are shaping the heat and electricity transition at a local level. In our work, the two central implementation levels are the municipality as an organisational unit of administrative and political activities, and the neighbourhood as an organisational unit of space. Our focus is on:
- Decentralised energy concepts
- Local infrastructures
- Building portfolios
- Public properties
Municipal Heating Transition work area: The Kompetenzzentrum Kommunale Wärmewende (Municipal Heating Transition Excellence Centre, KWW) in Halle an der Saale is working towards a fair and sustainable heat transition. The key lever here is municipal heat planning (Kommunale Wärmeplanung (KWP)). The Municipal Heating Transition Excellence Centre provides guidance and support to local authorities and politicians.
International Building and Construction work area: We analyse local conditions and support the development of solution strategies in various countries – for example, in China or Central Asia – based on our experience in Germany. To this end, we work on standards, technical solutions and viable business models and promote the exchange of best practices.
Our contacts
Nicole Pillen
Head of Division Urban energy transition
Susanne Schmelcher
Director, Districts & cities
Robert Brückmann
Director, Municipal heat transition
Thilo Cunz
Director, International building and construction