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Renewable Energies Market Initiative

For the direct purchase of green energy

Goal: to support business models to promote the direct purchase of green energy between producers and potential customers

Topics: Renewable energies, Business models, Transforming the economy and society

Runtime: since 2020

Our mission:

Sourcing sufficient green and low-cost energy is a major challenge for industry. Nearly 240 GW of capacity for renewable energies are to be added to the existing capacity of 122 GW by 2030. The Renewable Energies Market Initiative aims to facilitate market entry for small and medium-sized enterprises in the direct marketing of renewable energy. It also offers a network for various stakeholders for green electricity on the consumer and producer side.

At the same time, the initiative supports electricity consumers in achieving their climate protection targets cost-effectively by directly purchasing renewable energies. In this way, they can make a measurable contribution towards achieving the goals of the energy transition.

Our approach

The Renewable Energies Market Initiative is an association of around 40 members that networks energy consumers from industry, commerce and services with energy producers, investors and policymakers.

As a think tank, the initiative provides new impetus for business and politics in order to strategically promote the direct purchase of green energy. It also establishes green energy as an important component of corporate sustainability strategies.

The initiative supports market players in recognising the potential of power purchase agreements (PPAs) and promoting the successful execution of supply contracts through the targeted transfer of industry-specific information.

Our milestones

  • October 2024: fourth annual conference of the Renewable Energies Market Initiative
  • April 2024: publication of the PPA market analysis
  • January 2024: publication of the PPA model contract for fixed quantity price planning in the German market 

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