The expansion of renewable energies and the resulting gain in fluctuating power input are increasing the need for more flexibility in the electric power system. One option for providing more flexibili
In the report, at first an overview of auction design elements is given including a case study of auction design and experiences in Germany. Secondly, it is analysed which underlying market conditio
Issue six of the German Energy Agency’s energy transition magazine: Into the future with confidence and determination.
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, a worldwide energy crisis, inflati
Governments and companies all over the world are stating their commitment to climate neutrality as their long-term goal. But how they plan to reach the zero line often remains unclear. The cover story
The current issue of dena's corporate magazine „transition" focuses on integrated infrastructure as a key foundation of an integrated energy transition. Once a year, „transition” illustrates the pace
Wirtschaftlichkeit energetischer Modernisierung in selbstgenutzten Wohngebäuden.Begleitforschung zum dena-Projekt „Niedrigenergiehaus im Bestand“. Die größten Energieeinsparpotenziale liegen in Deuts
Wirtschaftlichkeit energetischer Modernisierung im Mietwohnungsbestand.Begleitforschung zum dena-Projekt „Niedrigenergiehaus im Bestand“. Die dena-Sanierungsstudie Teil 1 untersucht die Wirtschaftlic
Cyber security must be innovative to meet the needs of the energy transition.
The EnerCrypt report by the dena investigates which innovative potential the energy transition holds for cyber security –
Die EU empfiehlt zur Erreichung der europäischen Energieeinsparziele mit der neuen Energieeffizienz-Richlinie (2012/27/EU) die Einführung nationaler Energieeffizienz-Verpflichtungssysteme, um den Ende
To support China’s Greater Bay Area in shifting towards a low-carbon and resource-efficient buildings and construction sector, dena committed to developing a Regional Roadmap for this sector. The Road