
合理的资金 支出

In the report, at first an overview of auction design elements is given including a case study of auction design and experiences in Germany. Secondly, it is analysed which underlying market conditio



In the report, at first an overview of auction design elements is given including a case study of auction design and experiences in Germany. Secondly, it is analysed which underlying market conditions


dena-Factsheet: dena-Plattform Digitale Energiewelt.

Das Factsheet bietet zentrale Informationen zur Plattform Digitale Energiewelt, die Akteure aller Branchen zusammenbringt, um übergreifende Fragestellungen und Handlungsoptionen im Kontext der Digital


Energy Transition Trends 2018 – China, Europe, USA

dena developed the report together with project partners from China, Denmark, USA and Germany to give a snapshot of the energy transition trends for three of the largest energy consumers in the world: