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09/25/24 Report

Consistently sustainable

dena’s Sustainability Report for 2022/2023

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dena actively helps shape a sustainable future through its project work as a pioneer of the energy transition. However, sustainability at dena does not only take place in project work: we consider sustainability to be a holistic concept that harmonises ecological compatibility, social justice and economic stability. Accordingly, we have set ourselves clear goals as an organisation. For example, we want to be climate-neutral by 2030. To achieve this, we consistently integrate sustainability aspects into our decisions and processes – from reducing energy consumption in our offices to catering with vegetarian foods at our events. 

Sustainability is not a process imposed by the management, but is shaped and lived by dena as a whole.
Kristina Haverkamp, Managing Director
Profilbild der Geschäftsführerin Kristina Haverkamp

The consideration of sustainable corporate governance is already laid down in dena’s articles of association. Against this backdrop, sustainability plays a special role in the day-to-day activities of all employees. The development and implementation of a sustainability strategy complements the sustainability-focussed day-to-day business.

In its sustainability strategy, dena pursues an integrative model that treats all dimensions of sustainability – ecological, social and economic – as equally important. This means that the objectives of the sustainability strategy encompass these three areas equally and that space is created for the identification and utilisation of synergies between them.

In this report, we show where we stand overall on the path to achieving these goals in accordance with the requirements of the German Sustainability Code (DNK).

Are you also interested in dena’s business activities? You will find the company reports from previous years here.

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