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German-Turkish Energy Partnership

Cross-border cooperation is intended to strengthen energy security in the long term, drive forward the decarbonisation of national economies and promote innovative technologies

Goal: to decarbonise economies and strengthen energy security in the long term

Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Overall system, Legal framework, Industry, Infrastructure, International partnership, Mobility, Hydrogen, Networking globally

Our mission

The German-Turkish Energy Partnership supports the exchange of knowledge and ideas between policymakers, companies, academic institutions and civil society. It brings people and ideas together and in turn supports the transformation of energy systems towards climate neutrality in both countries. The focus of the cooperation includes the expansion of renewable energies and their integration into the electricity system, the flexibility of electricity grids, storage technologies, electromobility and grid integration, startup ecosystems, the ramp-up of the hydrogen market, increasing energy efficiency and corresponding models for financing and regulating the electricity and gas markets. 

Our approach

Every year, the responsible ministries determine the priorities of the energy partnership. In addition to an intensive exchange in working groups that focus on specific topics, there are workshops, studies, seminars and trips with experts to examine issues in greater depth. Each working group is chaired by representatives from both countries. There is the Renewable Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Sector Coupling working group and the Energy Efficiency working group in addition to a Green Hydrogen working group. The results of the cooperation are presented at the annual Energy Day with the participation of ministers and relevant stakeholders.  

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