Bilateral energy cooperation projects
Energy partnerships and dialogues with Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan
Goal: to decarbonise economies and strengthen energy security in the long term
Topics: Digitisation, Cyber security, Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Buildings, Legal framework, Industry, Infrastructure, Innovation, International partnership, Municipal governments, Mobility, Networking globally
The focus is on expanding renewable energies, integrating them into the energy systems, increasing energy efficiency and modernising the energy infrastructure. We also deal with designing the legal and technical framework conditions for the electricity and energy market. The creation of optimal framework conditions for the market ramp-up of green hydrogen is of particular importance.
The instruments of cooperation include fact-finding missions, specialist workshops and specialised studies in which suitable key drivers are involved. Accompanying public relations work promotes awareness of sustainable energy and climate policy in the partner countries.
Let us know if we can help!
© Silke Reents
Dr. Irina Höhna
Senior Expert, International cooperation T: +49 30 66 777 - 349 irina.hoehna(at)dena.de
© Hoffotografen
Elena Metzger
Team Leader, International cooperation T: +49 30 66 777 - 795 elena.metzger(at)dena.de
Lilia Mass
Leading Expert, Staff unit international cooperation T: +49 30 66 777 - 335 lilia.mass(at)dena.de