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The German-Kazakh Energy Dialogue

Supporting Kazakhstan in ramping up the hydrogen market, expanding renewable energies and increasing energy efficiency

Goal: to decarbonise economies and strengthen energy security in the long term

Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Buildings, Industry, Infrastructure, Hydrogen, Networking globally

Panoramablick auf den Baiterek-Turm  in der Stadt Astana in Kasachstan

Our mission

Against the backdrop of global climate challenges, Kazakhstan has actively developed its climate agenda and made the decarbonisation of the economy an important area of government policy. Kazakhstan ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016. In 2023, the country adopted a national decarbonisation strategy for 2060. 




dena supports the Kazakh government in developing and implementing its energy and climate policy on behalf of the German government. This includes advice on legislation, the development of instruments, measures and support in the realisation of specific projects. In addition, dena assumes an advisory role in its support of stakeholders from business, science and civil society. The focus is on renewable hydrogen, energy efficiency (in the industry and building sectors) and renewable energies (especially biogas).

Our approach

Conferences, workshops, bilateral talks and fact-finding missions are held in order to foster the transfer of knowledge and experience. Within this framework, dena develops recommendations for action and strategies, for example, for increasing energy efficiency in industry and the building sector as well as for creating the ideal conditions to enable the market ramp-up of hydrogen. 



In addition, dena produces country-specific studies on various climate and energy-related topics, which form the analytical basis for providing energy policy advice to stakeholders from politics, business, science and civil society. 

Our milestones

  • Since 2022: dena supports the Kazakh government in developing its national hydrogen strategy.
  • 2020–2022: together with its Kazakh partners, dena worked methodically on the creation of a master plan for national energy efficiency and developed a corresponding pool of measures for five sectors. The master plan formed the basis for Kazakhstan’s national energy efficiency concept action plan. 

Our project partners

Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

German Chambers of Foreign Trade

Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Let us know if we can help!

  • Thilo Cunz

    Thilo Cunz

    Director, International building and construction

  • Porträtfoto: Elena Metzger, dena

    Elena Metzger

    Team Leader, International cooperation

  • Irina Grechukhina

    Dr. Irina Grechukhina

    Expert, International cooperation

  • Robert Stüwe

    Dr. Robert Stüwe

    Leading Expert, Hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers

  • Dr. Zhanat Murzakulova

    Team Leader, Energy efficiency

  • Portrait von Toni Reinholz

    Toni Reinholz

    Team Leader, Renewable energies

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