
transition 23 – confidence and determination

Issue six of the German Energy Agency’s energy transition magazine: Into the future with confidence and determination. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, a worldwide energy crisis, inflati



Die dena-Netzstudie III hat in einem breiten Stakeholderdialog gemeinsam mit Netzbetreibern, Energiewirtschaft, verantwortlichen Behörden, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft seit Ende 2018 den Bedarf und d



The expansion of renewable energies and the resulting gain in fluctuating power input are increasing the need for more flexibility in the electric power system. One option for providing more flexibili

Projects Project

Eco-Cities in China

The challenge While climate protection and energy efficiency in China have often taken a back seat to the goal of economic success in the past, a paradigm shift is now underway. This shift is based, a

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