
dena-Factsheet: Vorbilder mit Einspargarantie

Das Factsheet informiert über das Vorhaben der dena, vorbildliche Energiespar-Contracting-Projekte in Bundesländern mit wenig Contracting-Erfahrung zu initiieren und umzusetzen. Die Modellprojekte wer

Projects Project

Serial refurbishment

The challenge: Existing buildings are responsible for one third of CO₂ emissions in Germany and are therefore a key lever for achieving the climate targets. By 2045, around three quarters of the 22 mi

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  2. Buildings
  3. Serial refurbishment
Projects Project

Eco-Cities in China

The challenge While climate protection and energy efficiency in China have often taken a back seat to the goal of economic success in the past, a paradigm shift is now underway. This shift is based, a

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  2. Buildings
  3. Eco-Cities in China