Das Branchenbarometer Biomethan führt die dena seit 2012 durch. Die Ergebnisse werden jährlich veröffentlicht und bieten neben Datenerhebungen, Einschätzungen, Meinungen und Prognosen der Branchenakte
Cyber security must be innovative to meet the needs of the energy transition.
The EnerCrypt report by the dena investigates which innovative potential the energy transition holds for cyber security –
Our Experts Christian Stolte Head of Division Climate-neutral buildings Contact The challenge: Reducing greenhouse gases in Germany by 80 to 95 per cent by the year 2050 requires not only the substant
Stepping on the gas, but doing it right The challenge was as follows: The biomethane industry wanted to advance the feeding-in of biogas into the German natural gas network. Unlike wind and solar ener
Mit dem Projekt klimakommune.digital hat die dena die digitale Erhebung von Daten zur Ermittlung der CO2-Emmissionen in Kommunen zum zentralen Betrachtungsgegenstand gemacht. Am Beispiel der Stadt Hag
Der Aufbau eines Wasserstoffnetzes ist zentraler Baustein der Transformation hin zur Klimaneutralität. Bisher fehlt dafür jedoch ein tragfähiges Finanzierungskonzept. Die dena hat vorgeschlagen das Ri
29/03/23 Winners in five categories: dena presents Start Up Energy Transition Award 2023 An international jury of experts has nominated 15 start-ups with the most innovative business models in the fie
The project “System transformation for an optimised integration of renewable energies in Ukraine” was carried out by dena with support of Elia Grid International (EGI) and iC consulenten (iC). The pro
The challenge: Start-ups around the world are making a major contribution to the global energy transition with innovative ideas. While some countries and regions have well-established ecosystems for t
The aviation sector must become fossil-free by 2050. This will require enormous quantities of synthetic kerosene produced from green hydrogen and sustainable CO2, so-called e-kerosene.
A study by the