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Luftaufnahme einer Photovoltaik-Anlage

The Renewable Energy Solutions Programme

SMEs are given the opportunity to offer their climate-friendly energy solutions in target markets of their choice

Goal: to market expertise and renewable energy technologies from Germany internationally; to support other countries in the energy transition and strengthen the German economy in the process

Topics: Digitisation, Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Funding, Business models, Industry, Innovation, International partnership, Artificial intelligence, Mobility, Heating transition, Hydrogen, Generating and distributing energy

Runtime: since 2004

Eine Biogasanalage in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten

Our mission

Without a doubt, Germany is one of the model countries in the field of renewable energies. The companies in the sector have impressive expertise and have continuously developed their technologies – ones that they now want to use in other countries around the world. The conditions in these other countries are often even better suited for this than in Germany when it comes to weather patterns and regulations. However, in order for renewable energy technologies to be a successful export, barriers must be removed, risks minimised and networks created for German companies.


Eine solarthermische Kühlungsanlage

Our approach

As part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative, run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, dena developed the Solar Roof programme, which was later expanded to include all renewable energy technologies with the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme (RES Programme). This programme is aimed at German companies that want to establish their technology on a market in another country. 

Companies wishing to take part need to submit a written proposal for a reference project during the application phase in the first quarter of each year. This forms the basis for the planned market development. The company may receive up to €100,000 (net) for measures involving public relations work and the provision of information. dena’s team of experts will provide support with network building and in implementing marketing campaigns.

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German expertise, engineering achievements and the quality of German products are put on impressive display in other countries around the world, regardless of whether it is solar technology, bioenergy, geothermal energy, wind or hydropower, fuel cell technology, smart grids or hybrid systems, even in combination with storage technologies or energy efficiency measures. The participating companies receive support in sustainably tapping new sales markets. It also means German suppliers to the industry receive more orders. In addition, the expertise gained flows back into the German energy market and acts as an accelerator for innovation there. In a nutshell, it is a win-win-win situation.


Our project partners

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