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08/13/24 Digitisation Energy efficiency Innovation Driving digitalisation and innovation

SET Hub: Recommendations for the rollout of smart meters

The report of the results entitled ‘SET pilot project 1: From data to added value’ lists measures to support the rollout of smart meter gateways (SMGW) and provides recommendations for the development of user-friendly visualisations.

Berlin, Germany, 13 August 2024. The aim of the first SET pilot project in collaboration with the startups and Mako365 was to develop an application to strengthen the SMGW environment as the central communication unit of the digitalised energy system. The report published today provides important impetus and concrete recommendations for action in two areas: for the analysis and optimisation of the data provision process as well as for the development of user-friendly visualisations of end consumption and dynamic pricing models.

Philipp Richard, Head of Digital Technologies & Startup Ecosystem at dena, stated, ‘The pilot project has shown that smart metering systems are a key technology for a data-based and reliable future of the energy system. However, the development of software solutions for the benefit of the system in parallel with the rollout is just as crucial in order to fully utilise the potential of this technology.’  

The recommendations for action come at the right time, as the mandatory rollout of smart meter gateways in Germany from 2025 for consumers of 6,000 to 100,000 kWh/year and generators of 7- to 100-kW installed capacity is approaching and corresponding software solutions must also be implemented quickly.

  • 08/19/24 Publication

    SET Pilot 1: From data to added value

    Development and evaluation of consumption visualisation and value-added applications based on this, including the smart meter gateway.

Optimisation of data provision necessary

Process reliability must be increased for all market participants according to the report’s findings. The delayed implementation of standardised processes for data exchange leads to inefficient silo solutions that further increase the cost of digital interoperability. Which is why we recommend improved monitoring and quicker intervention in the event of non-compliance here. In addition, timely data provision is required to enable dynamic applications and live monitoring of consumption data for consumers. Direct data retrieval via the smart meter gateway and the introduction of a metering product with data collection every 15 minutes are technically possible and recommended. Finally, the digitalisation of authorisation management is also necessary in order to simplify the time-consuming process of obtaining consent for data transmission and to increase efficiency.

Maximising benefits for end customers

The results of the pilot also show the need for prompt and easily accessible means of digital visualisation for data such as metering point and consumption data. Complex energy consumption data in particular could be better displayed and understood through intuitive visualisations. For this reason, the development of suitable standards is an important aid for consumers.

In addition, the further development of dynamic pricing models for the heating sector should also be focussed on. A dynamic district heating rate should be trialled further, taking into account consumer acceptance and clarification of the regulatory framework.

Finally, an adaptation of market communication for cross-divisional intelligent metering systems (iMS) is required. The integration of multi-division metering in SMGWs places new demands on market communication, for which a corresponding regulatory framework must be developed.

About SET Hub:

dena’s SET Hub pilot projects are funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. As part of SET Hub, pilot projects promoting an energy transition that is open to a range of technologies, fair and scalable are being carried out. A testing and implementation area aimed at further technological development in the context of the digitalisation of the energy transition is being offered. The aim of the first pilot project was to develop an application to strengthen the SMGW environment as the central communication unit of the digitalised energy system.twickeln.

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