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11/28/24 Funding Buildings Heating transition Redesigning buildings and areas

Heat Pump Week attracted a large number of visitors

Over 50,000 visitors attended the nationwide Heat Pump Week from 4 to 10 November. Attendees were able to find out about technology, planning, installation and funding opportunities on site and online.

Berlin, Germany, 28 November 2024. Heat supply based on renewable energies is central to the climate-neutral energy supply of buildings. Heat pumps are a key technology for this, but there are many myths about them. Over 50,000 members of the public and experts attended the numerous events organised throughout Germany during Heat Pump Week to find out more about the technology and how it works, particularly in existing buildings. The week of action was organised by an alliance of around 30 regional and local institutions across Germany.

“We are delighted that the campaign week met with such a positive response locally,” said Christian Stolte, Head of Climate Neutral Buildings at dena. “Our regional partners, but above all many visitors, expressed their satisfaction and were grateful to be able to obtain information directly from recognised experts on site. They were also able to express their concerns and, above all, receive reliable answers. The motto of Heat Pump Week - Simply inform - worked.”

Visitors were able to obtain advice on many questions in the context of specialist presentations, exhibitions and by exchanging ideas with other attendees and experts at the market of regional energy experts, such as energy consultants from consumer advice centres, heating installers, chimney sweeps, manufacturers and municipal utilities. Special topics were addressed in online events, for example, on heat pumps in multi-family or terraced houses and any special regulations in the federal states. The majority of attendees' questions related to the costs of heat pumps compared to oil and gas heating systems and whether a heat pump can be operated in existing buildings without extensive efficiency measures or the replacement of radiators. People were often particularly astonished by the heat pumps running on site, which were perceived as surprisingly quiet. Numerous media also used Heat Pump Week as an opportunity to report and provide information on the topic. 

Video recordings of presentations and events, numerous downloads and other information are available online at

Impressions from the nationwide heat pump week, 4-10 November 2024

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Additional information

dena organised and coordinated the Heat Pump Week in more than 75 districts with almost 200 events in person and online on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The series of events was organised by an alliance of around 30 regional and local agencies and institutions. Numerous other events were also held during Heat Pump Week, including those organised by heat pump campaigners and by trade businesses. 

Visit for further information.

Heat Pump Week

Goal: nationwide event week for citizens, offering reliable information on heat pumps in their region

Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Buildings, Heating transition, Redesigning buildings and areas

Runtime: since 2024

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    Heat Pump Week attracted a large number of visitors

    Over 50,000 visitors attended the nationwide Heat Pump Week from 4 to 10 November. Attendees were able to find out about technology, planning, installation and funding opportunities on site and...