

Strategy and consulting The energy transition presents significant challenges to business and politics. Established business models and industries are in upheaval; new markets are emerging, and there

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About dena

dena management team dena management team Corinna Enders as Chairperson and Kristina Haverkamp as Managing Director form dena’s management team. More information Figures about us 2000 2000 Founded den

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Themes Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

No energy transition without energy efficiency Improving energy efficiency is key to a successful energy transition. The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE) contains important instruments an

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Themes Buildings


Designing energy-efficient buildings Energy-efficiency in buildings is an important factor to ensure the success of the energy transition. This is why dena advocates favourable market conditions, ener

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  4. Buildings
Themes Mobility


Making mobility efficient Efficient mobility means alternative drive systems and fuels and the use of efficient means of transport (e.g. local public transport), the introduction of mobility managemen

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Themes Energy systems

Energy systems

Energy supply through renewable energy There are substantial challenges facing the future of energy supply. Electricity sources are volatile, so how can the security of supply and grid stability be gu

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  3. Energy systems