Auditing of the Federal Funding of Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy funding programme
Quality assurance as part of the ‘Bundesförderung Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Wirtschaft’ (EEW) funding programme

Goal: to coordinate and manage the audits for subsidies in the Federal Funding of Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy funding programme and in turn ensure the quality of the programme
Topics: Energy efficiency, Funding, Industry, Transforming the economy and society
Runtime: since 2023
Our mission
The Federal Funding of Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy funding programmes are aimed at a broad target group, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large companies. Around €1.2 billion in funding is distributed to companies as part of the programme each year. The subsidised measures are processed and approved by the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and the KfW Group.
dena coordinates and manages the audits for subsidies as part of the project. The audits provide BAFA and the KfW Group with the necessary information to determine compliance with the funding requirements and the provisions of the grant notification. In this manner, the project makes an important contribution to quality assurance and fraud prevention in the funding programme.
Our approach
Key documents and the basis for performing the audits are created, in addition to the creation of an audit concept, including the description of central processes for the implementation of the audits for the programme’s subsidies. dena coordinates and manages the growing number of audits in the subsidised companies. Quality assurance is an important component. This is done by selecting suitable auditors, supporting selected audits, monitoring them and providing transparent and clear guidelines on the audit processes. The project is being carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and in close cooperation with the implementing organisations BAFA and the KfW Group.
Let us know if we can help!
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Dr. Daniel Vallentin
Team Leader, Industry T: +49 30 66 777-134 daniel.vallentin(at)dena.de
Elisabeth Gebhard
Senior Expert, Industrie T: +49 30 66 777 - 214 elisabeth.gebhard(at)dena.de