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Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform (PKNS)

Stakeholder dialogues on electricity market design in a largely climate-neutral electricity system

Topics: Renewable energies, Overall system, Business models, Legal framework, Generating and distributing energy, Market design

Our mission

The German government has set itself the goal of achieving an 80 per cent share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption by 2030. Electricity consumption will see massive rises. A new, flexible and interactive electricity system is necessary, among other things. What could approaches for an electricity market design in a largely climate-neutral electricity system look like? The Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform is addressing this question. In the coalition agreement of the governing parties, the Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform was designed as a process that includes the broad involvement of stakeholders from politics, science, business and civil society. dena is assisting the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in implementing the organisational aspects of the platform and its offices. It also coordinates the stakeholder process and the meetings that take place.

Our approach

Eighty stakeholders from the energy industry, civil society, science, the federal states and the coalition parties belong to the Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform. Through participatory approaches, dena makes it possible to capture different stakeholder perspectives.

Our milestones

  • April 2024: publication of the report on the work of the Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action
  • December 2023: conclusion of the stakeholder meetings of the working groups 

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