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Campaign office of the ‘Systementwicklungsstrategie’ (System Development Strategy)

A cross-sector model for the transition to a climate-neutral energy system

Goal: to support the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as a campaign office in creating the System Development Strategy

Topics: Overall system, Infrastructure, Generating and distributing energy

Runtime: since 2022

Rapsfeld mit Stromnetz im Hintergrund

Our mission

An overarching strategy is required for the transformation to a climate-neutral energy system by 2045. This strategy should take into account the interactions between the various sectors and identify robust transformation pathways. The System Development Strategy is a means for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to create a cross-sectoral mission statement. It provides guidance, particularly in the expansion of infrastructure. The strategy is provided for in the German Energy Industry Act as the basis for the electricity and gas/hydrogen grid development plans. The long-term scenarios prepared by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action form the scientific basis of the strategy. The SES is created in a participatory process involving representatives from the energy sector, industry, civil society and politics. dena supports this process in its role as a campaign office.


Our approach

dena provides both technical and organisational support as a campaign office. The office prepares draft reports and expert statements. It analyses consultations and prepares communication measures that are coordinated with and implemented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Another focus is the involvement of specialised players from the energy sector, industry, civil society and politics. dena organises the meetings of the System Development Strategy plenum and working groups. In coordination with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, it is also responsible for some of the implementation and evaluation work.

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