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Allianz für Gebäude-Energie-Effizienz (Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency – geea)

Cross-sector alliance of key players in the field of energy efficiency in the building sector

Goal: to improve the regulatory frameworks to significantly intensify energy-efficient modernisation measures

Topics: Energy performance certificate, Energy efficiency, Funding, Buildings, Overall system, Legal framework, Innovation, Heating transition, Redesigning buildings and areas

Runtime: 2011 – 2024

Our mission

In order to achieve the German government’s goals for the energy transition in the building sector, buildings in Germany must become significantly more energy efficient, for example through measures on the building shell and heating. Together with the use of climate-neutral fuels and renewable energies, large amounts of previously fossil primary energy could be saved. But a clear revival of the refurbishment market has so far failed to materialise for a variety of reasons. It confuses owners, for example, when funding conditions are constantly changing. The complexity of the refurbishment process and the lack of uniform messages from the different market players also contribute to uncertainty.

Our approach

In order to advance the energy transition in the building sector, dena has founded the Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency (geea). The geea is a cross-industry alliance of companies, associations and organisations in the field of construction and energy. The alliance currently consists of about 25 partners. It bundles the expertise and positions of leading providers from the building and energy industries, trades and science and, building on this, develops a unified strategy to clear the refurbishment backlog. 

Through its work, the platform has succeeded in giving the various stakeholders a unified voice in the political arena. It is committed to setting the right course in regulatory law and funding for efficiency measures. 

The platform has been publishing geea policy briefings several times a year since 2015, accompanying the legislative processes surrounding the German Buildings Energy Act and the design of the corresponding funding, organising dialogues with industry players and policymakers and, for the past 12 years, the federal/state government dialogue.

Let us know if we can help!

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