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Heat Pump Week

More than 300 events at the regional level will take place in more than 75 districts throughout Germany from 4 to 10 November 2024.

Goal: nationwide event week for citizens, offering reliable information on heat pumps in their region

Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Buildings, Heating transition, Redesigning buildings and areas

Runtime: since 2024

Our mission: Transformation of the heat supply

The transformation of the heat supply in Germany is crucial to achieving climate targets. At present, fossil fuels are still being used to operate almost 80 per cent of the nearly 25 million heating systems across the nation. Heat pumps are a key technology for efficiently supplying a climate-neutral building stock with heat from renewable energies. However, only around seven per cent of all heating systems in existing buildings are heat pumps.

As part of the German government’s concerted efforts in the heat pump sector, it has set itself the target of installing at least 500,000 heat pumps in Germany every year from 2024. However, the political debate surrounding the Building Energy Act and voices in the media have caused uncertainty among citizens. Flawed information with regard to efficiency, use in existing buildings, ecology and costs continues to circulate in the general public and the media as well as among experts.  

dena is organising the nationwide Heat Pump Week from 4 to 10 November on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action so that people can find out about heat pumps in their area and exchange ideas with experts. 

Wärmepumpe vor Hauswand

Our approach: Heat Pump Week

dena is coordinating Heat Pump Week, which is organised by an alliance of approximately 30 local and regional agencies and institutions as well as nearly 40 players from the German government’s concerted efforts in the heat pump sector.  

More than 300 different events will take place in 75 districts as part of the campaign week. In this manner, citizens can obtain reliable and comprehensive information on heat pumps and the heat transition in their region. The information services are tailored to the respective region, for example, with regard to approvals and funding conditions.  

In addition, new networks dealing with the topic of heat supply and heat pumps can be established at the ‘marketplace of regional energy experts’.  

Our milestones

  • 4 to 10 November 2024: Heat Pump Week with more than 300 different events in various regions throughout Germany
  • Virtual events providing information on the topic will be organised to precede the campaign week:
    • Monday 7 October 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm: Focus: detached and semi-detached houses
    • Monday 14 October 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm: Focus: Apartment buildings
    • Monday, 21 October 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm: Focus: Terraced houses
  • The kick-off meeting with all those involved in the planning and implementation of Heat Pump Week took place at the beginning of September 2024. In addition to dena, this includes approximately 40 players who are part of the concerted efforts in the heat pump sector, as well as approximately 30 regional organisers of Heat Pump Week. 

Let us know if we can help!