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Ein Lkw fährt über eine leere Autobahnspur, die von der Sonne beleuchtet wird. Die Landschaft ist herbstlich.

The Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport Platform

Initiative for a market ramp-up of climate-friendly commercial vehicles and the development of refuelling and charging infrastructure

Goal: Heavy goods transport, HGVs, drive transition, transport transition, logistics, charging infrastructure, electromobility, hydrogen, alternative drives, alternative fuels

Topics: Infrastructure, Mobility, Hydrogen, Transforming the economy and society

Runtime: since 2022

Our mission: Coordination of the Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport Platform

Around 80 per cent of all goods in Germany are transported to their destination by road. Road freight transport is therefore a central pillar of Germany's security of supply. However, these goods must be transported in a more climate and environmentally friendly way in future. HGVs are responsible for around 28 per cent of CO2 emissions in the German transport sector. Around 99 per cent of them currently run on diesel. In order to achieve the national energy transition and climate protection targets, the transformation in heavy goods transport must be driven forward quickly and the necessary market ramp-up of alternative drive systems, fuels and infrastructure must be accelerated. As coordinator of the Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport Platform, dena is making an important contribution to this. 

Our approach: Market-oriented solutions for climate-friendly commercial vehicles

dena coordinates the bringing together of various players from industry. It analyses regulatory, economic and technological challenges in dialogue with the platform's partners. These relate to the rapid market ramp-up of energy-efficient and climate-friendly commercial vehicles and the development of the refuelling and charging infrastructure. In addition, dena identifies market-oriented solutions. 

The platform realises: 

  • Analyses
  • Statements
  • Fact sheets
  • Events
  • Political discussions with representatives of manufacturers, suppliers, the logistics industry and politicians, including transport policy spokespersons and members of the Bundestag.

With a technology-neutral approach, the aim is to sensitise the German government to climate policy challenges in heavy goods transport.

Our milestones

December 2022: Kristina Haverkamp, dena Managing Director and spokesperson for the Platform for Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport, presented a ‘10-point plan for sustainable heavy goods transport’ to Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport. 

Contact us

  • Steffen Joest

    Steffen Joest

    Head of Division Industry, mobility and energy efficiency

  • Mel Goering

    Mel Goering

    Expert, Mobility