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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 268.

  • Eine bunte Stadtansicht mit historischen Gebäuden, vielen Bäumen und einer hügeligen, bewaldeten Landschaft im Hintergrund. Dominiert wird das Bild von zwei Kirchen mit markanten Türmen.

    Ukraine: Municipal heating transition

    Ukrainian cities are about to embark on a municipal heating transition, which can be made more sustainable and efficient through the dialogue with German experts and companies.…

  • Transparency at dena

    dena works together with numerous partners from politics, business, the scientific community and all parts of society, both nationally and internationally. Our projects are…

  • [Translate to English:]


    Our focus is on climate neutrality – across its entire range Our teams’ activities cover an enormous diversity of topics relating to the energy transition, climate protection and…

  • Publication

    Topic roadmap for the ‘Cybersecurity in the electricity industry’ platform

    Cybersecurity continues to be an increasingly important topic for the energy sector. In addition to the number of attacks and their levels of professionalism, the requirements of…

  • Publication

    Together for more energy efficiency and climate action

    The Initiative for Energy Efficiency and Climate Action Networks helps companies of all sectors and sizes throughout Germany to exchange ideas in networks on how to increase…

    01/10/2024 Energy efficiency
  • Project: Energy Efficiency Award

    Think big!

    Awards are given for multi-layered solutions for the energy transition with the use of renewable energies or systemic measures. Apply in this category if you have implemented…

  • Project

    The ‘zukunft haus’ (Future house) information campaign

    The challenge Residential and non-residential buildings account for the largest share of final energy demand across the EU at around 40 per cent. This means that the energy…

  • Eine Datenmenge in Form von bunten, zufällig zusammengesetzten Quadraten durchläuft eine Analyse, die die einzelnen Daten gemäß ihrer Farbzugehörigkeit zu Gruppen sortiert.

    The use case for the energy domain in the establishment of the data institute

    Our mission Efficient and secure data exchange is crucial for a successful energy transition, as many processes in the decentralised energy system require a high degree of…

  • Press Release

    The 400th energy efficiency and climate protection network

    Berlin, Germany, 4 April 2024. Investments in energy and resource efficiency are a key lever for strategically strengthening Germany as a business location. Only if measures,…

  • Ein Lkw fährt über eine leere Autobahnspur, die von der Sonne beleuchtet wird. Die Landschaft ist herbstlich.

    The Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport Platform

    Our mission: Coordination of the Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport Platform Around 80 per cent of all goods in Germany are transported to their destination by road. Road freight…
