Newsletter October 2024
English version
Welcome to the latest issue of the biogaspartner newsletter - an information service from the German Energy Agency (dena) covering all aspects of biomethane. This newsletter informs you, among other things, about the publication of the Branchenbarometer Biomethane 2024, the reorganization of Landwärme, the Bavarian heating strategy and the biomethane partnership between Nordzucker and Nature Energy.
Further information on the biogas partnership project and our partners can be found at
biogaspartner annual conference 2024 on 12.11.2024 in Berlin
Only a few days left until this year's biogaspartner annual conference. Register now to discuss the future direction of biomethane and gain comprehensive insights into the role of biomethane in the future energy system!
Branchenbarometer Biomethane 2024 published
The latest industry report from the German Energy Agency (dena) shows that despite turbulence such as insolvencies and price fluctuations, activity in the biomethane sector continues to increase. The heating market offers new opportunities due to the Building Energy Act with an estimated demand of up to 45 TWh. In the fuel market, growing interest in bio-LNG is expected, while the electricity market is to be supported by planned solar packages and biomass packages. dena emphasizes the importance of portfolio diversification and knowledge building in order to be prepared for future challenges.
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Use of biogas potential to benefit the system approved by the Federal Council
In a resolution on 18.10.2024, the Federal Council called on the federal government to make greater use of the potential of biogas. The initiative came from the federal state of Lower Saxony, as previous biogas tenders have not been sufficiently successful. The federal states are calling for tendering parameters such as the subsidy amount and the flex surcharge to be adjusted in order to give existing biogas plants a future. In addition, the power plant strategy should include biogas to a greater extent and the use of biogenic waste materials should be promoted through stable framework conditions in order to sustainably reduce methane emissions.
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BNetzA: Biomethane bid was excluded from the invitation to tender
There was no award in the tender for biomethane plants on September 1, as the only bid submitted in the amount of 2 MWel was excluded. This is therefore the fourth tender in a row in which there was no award for biomethane CHP. No bids were submitted for the April and September 2023 and April 2024 bidding dates. Overall, the bid values of the awarded projects were between 6.74 and 7.45 ct/kWh, well below the maximum value. The next tendering round for biomethane plants is scheduled for April 1, 2025.
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Reorganization of Landwärme is progressing
The biomethane supplier Landwärme has now undergone a thorough review of its contract landscape as part of its self-administration proceedings for restructuring. As a result, most of the green gas and EEG customers can currently continue to be supplied without any contract adjustments. With the termination of the biogas balancing groups of the Landwärme subsidiary Landwärme Service GmbH (LWS) by Trading Hub Europe (THE), Landwärme terminated the balancing group cooperation with the subsidiary. As a result, the Landwärme balancing groups will now be continued within Landwärme GmbH again in future in coordination with THE. Landwärme Service GmbH has now also started provisional self-administration proceedings and is to be integrated into Landwärme GmbH in the long term.
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Platform operator Green Navigation draws a positive balance for its online biomethane marketplace
Green Navigation takes stock of the new online platform for biomethane, which has met with a great response due to the insolvency of the trader Landwärme. More than 120 participants registered within four weeks, which indicates the desire for efficient marketing and procurement options. More than 250 million kWh of biomethane are currently offered via the platform. Green Navigation is already planning expansions such as the marketing of pure quality certificates and the introduction of "quality SWAPs" to support users' revenue optimization.
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Osterby Group invests 20 million euros in new biomethane processing plant
The Osterby Group has invested 20 million euros in a new biomethane plant that feeds up to 1,500 cubic meters of biomethane per hour into the natural gas grid. The plant processes manure, slurry and renewable raw materials from the region, with the fermentation residues being returned to the farmers as fertilizer. The biomethane is used for large customers in the surrounding area and promotes regional value creation.
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Bavarian heating strategy relies on biomethane and hydrogen despite criticism
The Bavarian heating strategy relies on the use of existing gas networks for biomethane and hydrogen in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. However, critics criticize the lack of concrete targets and warn of the high costs associated with the planned use of biomethane and hydrogen, which are only considered niche solutions in the Ministry of Economic Affairs' analysis. Instead, they are calling for the targeted promotion of tried and tested, climate-friendly heating solutions.
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AT| Gas industry calls on new government to ramp up green gases
The Austrian gas industry is calling for the rapid expansion of the infrastructure for biomethane and hydrogen in order to ensure a secure energy supply in the future. The ÖVGW emphasizes that climate-neutral gases such as biomethane and hydrogen can replace fossil fuels and close supply gaps.
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BE| Energy company Engie takes over biomethane plant as part of its biomethane strategy
Engie has acquired a biomethane plant in Bree, Belgium, with an annual capacity of 68 GWh to strengthen its position in the European biomethane market. The plant, which was commissioned in 2013, will be modified from October 2024 to feed biomethane into the local gas grid and supply around 6,000 households. This acquisition is part of Engie's strategy to increase annual production to 10 TWh. Engie already operates 28 biomethane plants in France, the Netherlands and the UK, building a comprehensive European platform for renewable gases.
IT| Eni seeks investor for its biomethane division
The Italian energy group Eni is planning to sell a minority stake of up to 49 % in its biomethane business Enibioch4in. To this end, Eni has commissioned the French investment bank Natixis to find potential investors. Enibioch4in is operated by Enilive and oversees the entire biomethane supply chain. This potential sale is part of a restructuring of Eni to support the financing of the transition to gas and renewables. The search for investors is still at an early stage without a defined valuation.
DK| Nordzucker enters into biomethane partnership for intelligent circular economy in its production
Nordzucker has entered into a partnership with Nature Energy to produce biomethane from beet pulp and use it in sugar production in Denmark from 2025. The aim is to reduce CO₂ emissions from the two plants in Lolland-Falster by up to 37,000 tons by 2030. A new gas pipeline will enable the switch from heating oil and coal to biomethane. With this step, Nordzucker aims to make its sugar production more sustainable as part of the GoGreen program and reduce emissions by 40 % by 2030.
LT| Amber Grid opens second feed-in point for biomethane in Lithuania
Gas transmission system operator Amber Grid has added a second biomethane feed-in point in Lithuania in the Radviliškis district, connecting a plant owned by the Agrokoncernas Group. This plant can feed in more than 21 GWh of biomethane per year. By September 2024, a total of 87 GWh of biomethane will be fed into the Lithuanian gas grid. The project supports Lithuania's goal of promoting a green energy supply and becoming more independent. Amber Grid enables producers to connect more efficiently and obtain guarantees of origin, making it easier to export green gas to other European countries.
RO| DN AGRAR Group and BSOG plan to build a biomethane plant with a capacity of 15 MW
DN AGRAR Group, Romania's largest dairy farm, and BSOG Energy, owned by Black Sea Oil & Gas, are planning to build Romania's largest biomethane plant with a capacity of up to 15 MW. The investment amounts to over 30 million euros, with DN AGRAR supplying the raw materials on a long-term basis. The plant should be completed within two years and generate annual revenues of 3 to 3.5 million euros. The aim of the project is to reduce emissions by 90 % and create new economic opportunities.
UK| bioconstruct announces construction of UK's largest biomethane plant to date
Bioconstruct, plant constructor and operator, has been awarded one of its largest contracts to date for the construction of a biomethane feed-in plant near Liverpool. The plant will process around 125,000 tons of waste materials per year, primarily from food production, to produce biomethane and pure CO₂. Once completed in mid-2026, the biomethane will be fed into the grid and help the region reduce its fossil fuel consumption. The plant is described as one of the most advanced of its kind in Europe and includes an unpacking plant, a membrane treatment plant and a CO₂ processing plant.