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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 261.
Office of the Energy Efficiency Platform
Our mission Germany has set itself ambitious goals for climate protection and energy efficiency. The energy supply must be shifted towards renewable energies to the greatest…
Renewable energy sources in heavy goods transport
Various energy sources can be considered for existing fleets and future lorry and tractor unit registrations in order to significantly reduce the negative impact of heavy goods…
Cyber-Fit: Investing in cybersecurity in the electricity industry
Carried out in cooperation with Fraunhofer IOSB-AST, the study analyses the cost–benefit and profitability of cybersecurity measures in the electricity industry. The aim is to…
Logistics willing to invest in alternative drives
As part of the Sustainable Heavy Goods Transport platform and in partnership with the German Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association (DSLV), dena conducted an online survey…
Press Release
Branchenbarometer Biomethan (Biomethane Industry Barometer): between turbulence and future opportunities
Volker Kamm Team Leader, Communications T: +49 30 66 777-622 volker.kamm(at) Berlin, Germany, 24 October 2024. The German biomethane market is going through a phase of…
Biomethane in Germany: Challenges and opportunities
Once again, the biomethane sector in Germany is experiencing a period of upheaval. In the past, major cuts in subsidies or political will have led to major distortions in the…
Press Release
‘An important milestone on the way to the hydrogen core network’
Volker Kamm Team Leader, Communications T: +49 30 66 777-622 volker.kamm(at) Berlin, Germany, 22 October 2024. The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) today approved the…
Biomethane Industry Barometer 2024
Transformation of the biomethane market The German biomethane market is going through a phase of transformation. Despite turbulence, such as the threat of trader insolvencies and…
Press Release
The countdown is on: Heat Pump Week rolls out across Germany in November
Volker Kamm Team Leader, Communications T: +49 30 66 777-622 volker.kamm(at) Berlin, Germany, 21 October 2024. Heat pumps play a crucial role in efficiently supplying…
dena’s Distribution Grid Study II
Our mission: challenges faced by grid operators in energy infrastructures at local level Distribution grid operators are facing challenges in the areas of planning, investment and…