Cyberattack on dena: Find out more.

Transfer of knowledge and promoting exports

Both domestically and overseas, dena advocates the transfer of know-how and technology. This is because the international climate goals are ambitious and other countries can benefit from

Germany's experience. One focal point in this regard is the cross-border funding of renewable energy. dena's activities range from market analysis to export promotion.

Renewable energy for foreign markets

The international energy transition

dena promotes the international transfer of information for the closely related fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. In this regard, it also advocates promoting the export of domestic technologies.

Germany is seen as a global pioneer when it comes to the energy transition. According to a study, around three quarters of foreign experts are convinced that the political measures implemented in Germany can be applied to their countries, at least in part. This indicates that the exchange of ideas and the transfer of knowledge and technologies are important for the use of renewable energy both domestically and overseas.

An eye on foreign markets

dena plays an important role as a liaison between politics and industry. Its duties are manifold. It assists with the development of foreign markets in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. It facilitates the transfer of knowledge to overseas, advises on the development of suitable political and economic regulatory frameworks, and at the same time also points out potential and targeted fields of application for individual technologies, as well as entire system solutions for energy supply. It provides options for increasing awareness of the German renewable energy industry among the public and showcases its expertise to the outside world. With a wide range of reference projects, it makes experiences with the energy transition in Germany tangible to overseas stakeholders. And it also highlights positive effects which arise from a more efficient form of energy use.

Renewable energy companies benefit from market analysis and the promotion of exports.

All across the world, dena calls attention to the possible applications of efficient energy supply systems and to solutions that use renewable energy technologies in the electricity, heating, and cooling markets, and assists German companies with developing overseas markets. As part of the "Energy Export Initiative" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), dena also provides German providers of renewable energy technologies with support for their overseas business activities via the dena RES Programme. Furthermore, dena also publishes market analyses with real-world relevance. Finally, dena also informs international multipliers and companies on what the initiative has to offer.

Creating acceptance for renewable energy

The promotion of exports is flanked by networking activities. In addition to receiving delegations, this also includes a whole range of events, such as the annual European Biomethane Conference, which dena has organised since 2015. At this conference, 270 experts from 17 countries discuss current trends, innovative concepts, and regulatory frameworks in the biomethane sector.

When renewable energy technologies become market-ready, dena uses targeted measures to create transparency and increase acceptance for them among the public. For example, in the field of onshore wind energy, dena is working on strategies for improving public opinion as part of the WISE Power project — with the involvement of all relevant target groups. There are plans for using these strategies at a later date as a model for the whole of Europe.

Together with Edelman.ergo, dena is a partner to BMWK in communicating the German energy transition to the world. The two agencies' tasks include developing a comprehensive international communications strategy and looking after foreign delegations.

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Our projects

Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD)

The BETD is organised by invitation of the German Federal Government in collaboration with the German Renewable Energy Federation (Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie, BEE), the German Solar Association (Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft, BSW-Solar), the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur, dena) and eclareon.


  • Project start: 2015
  • Project objective: The BETD strengthens the international exchange of experience on the transformation of energy systems.
  • Project partners: German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar), German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and eclareon GmbH

Franco-German Energy Platform

The Franco-German Energy Platform is a collaboration between dena and the French energy agency ADEME for cross-border projects.


  • Project start: 1/9/2015
  • Current partners: TANDEM and DFBEW
  • Objective: Development of concrete collaborative projects for a sustainable supply of energy to serve as a role model for national approaches in a European context.
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

EU study on transparent price labelling of fuels at filling stations

The main objective of the study is to develop a method that increases price transparency for the consumer and, in this way, highlights any cost advantages of alternative fuels.


  • Project start: February 2016
  • Project duration: 12 months
  • Project objective: To develop a method that increases price transparency of fuels for the consumer and highlights any cost advantages of alternative fuels.
  • Funded by: European Commission

Energy Export Initiative,

dena has been preparing relevant market information for the German renewable energy sector and providing export advice to companies in the industry since 2002. dena also advertises “German Energy Solutions” abroad and assists German suppliers in the development of high-profile flagship projects.


  • Project start: 2002
  • Objective: greater international use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, as well as supporting German providers with marketing overseas
  • Provision of attractive presentation options for German providers on overseas markets, as well as specialist information for German companies and/or foreign user groups and multipliers

Involvement in the European Energy Network – EnR

EnR is a voluntary network that is currently comprised of 25 energy agencies throughout Europe. Its aim is to facilitate an active, organised exchange on the European energy transition.


  • Network of European energy agencies
  • dena presidency in 2016 and 2023
  • Supports the implementation of EU directives
  • Advises on practical regulation


dena Renewable Energy Solutions Programme

The RES Programme gives companies the opportunity to install renewable energy technology in prestigious institutions operating in high-value target markets, therefore enabling significant visibility.


  • Over 100 realised projects in 65 countries.
  • Applications in the first quarter of each year possible, application period in 2023 from 16.02. – 30.03.
  • The company can receive up to 100.000€ for public relations and information dissemination.
  • The RES programme is open to all technologies (photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar cooling, bioenergy, geothermal energy, wind or water power and hybrid systems).
  • The combination of renewable energy technology with storage solutions or energy efficiency measures and applications of fuel cell technology are welcome.

System Transformation in Ukraine

The objective of the project was to chart a path for the integration of renewable energy sources into Ukraine’s electricity system. This involved utilising experiences and insights from the German energy transition in order to accelerate the transformation of the Ukrainian energy system.


  • Project term: 2019-2020
  • Project objective: Optimised integration of renewable energy sources in Ukraine
  • Project partners: Ukrenergo National Power Company

Renewable Energy in the UNECE Region: UNECE RE-Uptake Project

The UNECE RE-Uptake project includes an analysis of renewable energy progress in the UNECE region and involves a dena study and REN21 report as well as a series of stakeholder workshops: UNECE Renewable Energy Hard Talks. The dena study ‘Status and perspectives for renewable energy development in the UNECE region’ analyses the renewable energy markets in the UNECE region and provides practical recommendations for the implementation of policies for the promotion of renewable energy sources.


  • Project start: 2017
  • Project objective: Analysis of the markets for renewable energies in the UNECE region and development of recommended courses of action to implement energy transition policies.
  • Project partners: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)