
STUDY: E-Kerosene for Commercial Aviation

The aviation sector must become fossil-free by 2050. This will require enormous quantities of synthetic kerosene produced from green hydrogen and sustainable CO2, so-called e-kerosene. A study by the


transition 23 – confidence and determination

Issue six of the German Energy Agency’s energy transition magazine: Into the future with confidence and determination. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, a worldwide energy crisis, inflati


Studie: dena-Netzstudie I.

Energiewirtschaftliche Planung für die Netzintegration von Windenergie in Deutschland an Land und Offshore bis zum Jahr 2020. Mit der fertigen Studie liegt auf über 500 Seiten das erforderliche Konze



The expansion of renewable energies and the resulting gain in fluctuating power input are increasing the need for more flexibility in the electric power system. One option for providing more flexibili


合理的资金 支出

In the report, at first an overview of auction design elements is given including a case study of auction design and experiences in Germany. Secondly, it is analysed which underlying market conditio