
Energy Transition Trends 2018 – China, Europe, USA

dena developed the report together with project partners from China, Denmark, USA and Germany to give a snapshot of the energy transition trends for three of the largest energy consumers in the world:



In the report, at first an overview of auction design elements is given including a case study of auction design and experiences in Germany. Secondly, it is analysed which underlying market conditions


STUDY: E-Kerosene for Commercial Aviation

The aviation sector must become fossil-free by 2050. This will require enormous quantities of synthetic kerosene produced from green hydrogen and sustainable CO2, so-called e-kerosene. A study by the


dena-Factsheet: dena-Plattform Digitale Energiewelt.

Das Factsheet bietet zentrale Informationen zur Plattform Digitale Energiewelt, die Akteure aller Branchen zusammenbringt, um übergreifende Fragestellungen und Handlungsoptionen im Kontext der Digital


dena-Sanierungsstudie. Teil 1.

Wirtschaftlichkeit energetischer Modernisierung im Mietwohnungsbestand.Begleitforschung zum dena-Projekt „Niedrigenergiehaus im Bestand“. Die dena-Sanierungsstudie Teil 1 untersucht die Wirtschaftlic