Berlin, 4 April 2023. This year, dena is once again looking for successful energy and carbon reduction projects that demonstrate how the path to climate neutrality and the transformation of industry can be navigated. The focus is on ideas and approaches that can be easily transferred to other companies. dena will give the best competition entries the 2023 Energy Efficiency Award, which is endowed with prize money of EUR 30,000 in total. The nominees and award winners also receive a label for their public relations work. The award is under the patronage of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Dr. Robert Habeck.
The competition’s four categories
Companies that are interested have until 12 June 2023 to submit an application in one of the competition’s four categories via the website, Companies of any size and from any industry in Germany or abroad can enter in the following categories:
- Think Big! Complex energy transition projects: This category calls for systemic thinking and integrated solutions for the energy transition. Applicants can submit projects in which a large number of measures have to work together in a coordinated manner. This includes the use of renewable energies as well as electro mobility or systemic measures.
- From clever to digital! The range of energy efficiency: This category is open to companies whose projects demonstrate energy efficiency improvements in implementation. These include measures for digitalisation, control and regulation technology, energy-efficient cross-sectional technologies or software solutions for energy controlling and management.
- Achieving more together! - Energy services as an enabler of the energy transition: This category honors energy efficiency or energy transition projects by companies that focus on good cooperation. The contribution of the energy service provider can be, for example, the design and financing of a highly efficient plant or the energy efficiency-enhancing, operational management.
- Moving forward! Concepts for a climate-neutral future: In this category, companies can submit their concepts that demonstrate how the path to climate neutrality and the transformation of industry can be successfully navigated. The winner of this category will be chosen as an Audience Award at the dena Congress.
Awards ceremony at the dena Congress
A jury of experts will select the most promising projects and concepts, which will be announced in a shortlist at the beginning of October. The winners in the four categories will be announced at the dena Congress in Berlin on 13 November 2023. The three companies nominated for the Audience Award will present their plans for climate neutrality to the attendees at the congress. The audience will then vote to decide which plan wins the prize. In addition, dena will award a special prize for innovative solutions to a small or medium-sized company from among all the applications.
About the Energy Efficiency Award
The Energy Efficiency Award (EEA) is a showcase of tangible successes for the energy transition and climate protection. The German Energy Agency (dena) has been giving out the award since 2007, and it is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK). The premium partner is KfW. Since then, more than 1,400 companies have submitted an entry. All the information on free entry to the competition, conditions of entry, the online application form, answers to frequently asked questions and information on previous years’ prize winners can be found at