
STUDY: Renewable Building Materials in Vietnam

Together with a consortium led by the University of Stuttgart, dena has conducted a study on the topic of renewable building materials. On the one hand, the study deals with a historical classificatio


transition 23 – confidence and determination

Issue six of the German Energy Agency’s energy transition magazine: Into the future with confidence and determination. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, a worldwide energy crisis, inflati


Studie: dena-Netzstudie I.

Energiewirtschaftliche Planung für die Netzintegration von Windenergie in Deutschland an Land und Offshore bis zum Jahr 2020. Mit der fertigen Studie liegt auf über 500 Seiten das erforderliche Konze



Die dena-Netzstudie III hat in einem breiten Stakeholderdialog gemeinsam mit Netzbetreibern, Energiewirtschaft, verantwortlichen Behörden, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft seit Ende 2018 den Bedarf und d


transition 22 – the climate time machine

The transformation of our energy system has taken a turn with the outbreak of war in Ukraine. We need to now tackle the phase-out of fossil fuels and the goal of climate neutrality even more decisivel