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Each energy consultation consists of tailored advice. Hence, so far, the evaluation of the results of the discussions, calculations, and recommendations varied depending on which energy consultant you asked.
On the one hand, this individual refurbishment road map aims to present the results in an easily understandable fashion across Germany, and on the other, assist energy consultants with coming up with concepts for step-by-step refurbishment and complete refurbishment.
At the same time, the individual refurbishment road map offers the option of integrating individual measures into an overall concept for the building. This means that future refurbishment work is also taken into account at the same time, and a systematic step-by-step refurbishment can take place. This ensures that a high-quality result is ultimately achieved.
In a consortium with the research institute ifeu and the Passivhaus Institut, dena developed an overall methodology for an individual refurbishment road map for residential buildings. It can be used as a standard for providing energy advice; both for complete refurbishment as well as for step-by-step refurbishment. This instrument can be used for single-family dwellings and duplexes, but also for apartment buildings.
For this purpose, existing regional and international approaches for individual refurbishment road maps were first comprehensively analysed. Later on, technical details on how to take into account the individual living situation, expectations with regard to comfort-related aspects, the energy savings assessment of the building, and issues of cost effectiveness were fleshed out, discussed with energy consultants, and incorporated accordingly.
In spring 2016, the concept for the refurbishment road map was subjected to market testing in a pilot phase to prove its feasibility. The resulting findings were also included in the development of the instrument. Subsequently, in July, an extensive stakeholder dialogue took place, after which additional suggestions were also incorporated.
In order to make the individual refurbishment road map as user-friendly as possible, the consortium is currently working closely with manufacturers for the calculation software. The manufacturers will include the instrument in the software, thereby making it easier to use for the target group: energy consultants.
Building owners will receive a viable road map for refurbishment that is mostly based on a holistic assessment of the building. The road map provides both an introduction to concrete initial measures as well as the future prospects of the building.
The goal is to develop uniform standards across Germany for the results of an extensive energy consultation with the help of the individual refurbishment road map, and to integrate it into real-world consulting practices.
Of particular importance in this case is ensuring that widespread, reliable quality standards are established on the market, and significantly increasing both the motivation as well as trust in energy-efficient refurbishment among homeowners.