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Creating the basic framework for renewable energy

dena assists decision-makers and experts with creating the basic political and economic framework for facilitating the use

of renewable energy. Furthermore, dena's studies also contribute to further market development and the creation of new business models.

Statistics & facts

Rene 32 %
of gross electricity consumption
in 2015.
Rene 13 %
of gross heat consumption
in 2015.
The 156
million tonnes of CO2
in greenhouse gas emissions were avoided through the use of renewable energy in 2015.
The 14
billion euros
was invested in the construction of new renewable energy installations in Germany in 2015.

Renewable energy competency

Industrial and political consulting

The energy transition not only involves driving the proliferation of renewable energy. At the same time, it is also important to efficiently design the interaction of various energy sources, forms of infrastructure, and installations in the overall system and to adapt the economic regulatory framework accordingly. To do so, dena advises business and political players.

The expansion of renewable energy in Germany is on the path to success. At the international level, Germany already has a comparatively high percentage of energy from renewable sources in its overall energy mix. Where electricity consumption is concerned, the percentage of renewables grew by more than five percentage points in 2015 due to increased use of wind energy — to about a third. Renewables also continue to account for an increasing percentage of heat consumption. An overview of the current status can be found in the publication "Development of renewable energy in Germany in the year 2015". The objective: a climate-neutral energy supply by 2050.

Economic and political consulting for the energy transition

dena monitors the market and is familiar with all major players, developments, and technologies. With this expertise, it can provide both competent political and economic advice, particularly when it comes to the advancement of new technologies and services. Not only established companies, but also an increasing number of start-ups benefit from the agency's expertise.

Where renewable energy opportunities are

dena provides an important contribution both at the theoretical and practical levels: In numerous studies, it points out potential for the expansion of renewable energy. It compiles recommended courses of action for political decision-makers and directly helps shape the implementation of new technologies. Due to its extensive network, dena is also an important initiator and advisor for stakeholder processes, such as for determining the future of renewable energy in Germany. 

Improving the regulatory framework

After the technical expansion, phase two of the energy transition now involves creating an adequate regulatory framework for more flexibility and networking, and tapping into new markets. This involves various spheres of activity for dena: it is necessary to develop robust business models for existing and new technologies, and identify additional application possibilities for renewable energy. Finally, through its work, dena also promotes the widespread acceptance of energy policy among the public, which is paramount for the success of the energy transition.

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Projects on the topic

biogaspartner – the Biogas Feed-in Platform

Joint biogas feed-in. Under this motto, dena developed the project "biogaspartner – the Biogas Feed-in Platform" in collaboration with partners.


  • Project start: In 2007
  • Industry goal: Biogas feed-in into natural gas network as a fixed component of the energy mix.
  • Regulatory framework: Created via the implementation of the  integrated energy and climate programme of the Federal Government 
  • Cooperation: Sector-specific know-how for the full development of potential

German Biogas Register

The German Biogas Register is a platform for the standardised and simple documentation of verification records for biogas quantities and qualities in the natural gas network.


  • Project start: 2010
  • Partners: 14 leading companies from the biogas and energy industries
  • dena operates the German Biogas Register as the registrar
