In recent years, worldwide mobility has grown at a dizzying pace, especially in road transport and aviation. This has produced significant impairments in the quality of life due to greater environmental pollution and a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. 18 percent of emissions in Germany are produced in the transport sector. Road transport accounts for 95 percent of them. The challenge: mobility needs to become more sustainable and efficient in order to protect the environment and the climate and to improve quality of life.
The challenge of efficient mobility
We need to be mobile. But to ensure that it is more sustainable for society and the climate, mobility will have to become more networked and energy-efficient. Efficient drive systems, green fuels and optimised mobility of passengers and freight across the whole range of transport solutions will have to provide important contributions in this respect. But Germany is facing a grave challenge. Personal and freight transports have risen by over 50 percent since 1990. Nevertheless, the Federal Government wants to achieve a 10-percent reduction in energy consumption within the transport sector by 2020, compared with 2005. Current figures show that there has been a two percent rise in consumption. The situation in regard to CO2emissions is similar: Although the 2014 Action Programme on Climate Protection pencilled in a 7 to 10-million-tonne reduction in transport emissions in Germany by 2020, the momentary statistics indicate a rise of six million tonnes.
Achieving more together
A consistent emission avoidance strategy is needed in the transport sector in order to tackle these major challenges. The national and European frameworks must be adjusted to incentivise low-emission transport systems and make innovative mobility concepts more attractive.
dena is engaging with industry, politics and society to develop sustainable transport solutions and to share positive experiences in a process of constant dialogue with other nations.
Here, dena sees itself as a driver to improve fuels and technologies and to increasingly move the carriage of persons and goods to energy-efficient and low-emission means of transport and transport systems.