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No energy transition without energy efficiency

Improving energy efficiency is key to a successful energy transition. The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE) contains important instruments and measures

to save energy in industry, trade, households, transportation and in other sectors. dena is working on other strategies as well, for instance as part of the Energy Efficiency Platform.

Statistics & facts

13.306 PJ
was the final energy consumption
in the Federal Republic of Germany
appr 14000
certified energy consultants
listed in dena’s database of energy efficiency experts
12 %
market share held by German companies
of the global energy efficiency market in 2013
billions of euros.
According to NAPE, efficiency measures can contribute to a reduction in energy costs by 2020

No energy transition without energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency

The energy transition calls for innovation and a fresh mindset. Our current level of energy consumption must be halved as quickly as possible. And it is imperative to satisfy this demand using regenerative energy sources that protect our climate and environment. The energy transition will be more successful if we use electricity, heat and fuel efficiently.

If we are serious about largely abandoning fossil fuels and halting the rise in environmental costs, we must start investing today – for instance in regenerative energy sources, energy-efficient products and systems, and in energy-efficient building and refurbishment . Besides achieving the objectives defined in the energy transition itself, an energy-efficient approach has other benefits as well: if buildings use less heating and cars less fuel, consumers, companies and public institutions can all cut energy costs and reduce 2 CO2 emissions.

The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE) and its core objectives

The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE) defines current instruments and measures to achieve these objectives. In addition to proven instruments like funding programmes or information campaigns, NAPE consciously includes ideas for new and innovative solutions. The industrial and business sectors, private households, the transport sector and other areas are all of equal importance. The Action Plan has three main objectives: To increase energy efficiency in buildings. To establish energy efficiency as a profitable investment and a business model. To increase a sense of personal responsibility for energy efficiency.

Although Germany has made some progress in energy efficiency over recent years, the development in primary energy consumption shows that there is significant potential for further savings in all areas. Currently, energy consumption is only stagnating. So increased efforts will be needed to achieve the objectives.

Energy efficiency made in Germany

In addition, Germany is poor in natural resources, so the economic potential of energy-efficient solutions is a significant factor. This is because energy efficiency does more than just lower energy costs, it also reduces the capital outflow to countries that export fossil energies. The bottom line is more money available for investments in Germany. In turn, this strengthens the position of German companies as providers of pioneering products, systems and services for “energy efficiency made in Germany”. Energy efficiency is therefore more than a supporting pillar of the energy transition, it also possesses immense significance for the competitiveness of the German economy on international markets.

Society is also responsible for achieving the efficiency objectives.

Not only is the energy transition a question of technology, know-how and capital. The commitment of the general public also plays an essential role. We are all responsible for the success of this project, whether as politicians, businesspeople or private individuals. The success of the energy transition is decided as much by the construction of new electricity lines, gas power stations, electricity storage units and off-shore wind farms as it is in cellar boiler rooms, electronics shops and car dealerships. To ensure a successful energy transition, it is imperative to develop convincing new ideas and strategies and to appeal to all of the actors within the energy transition. Seeking to develop and establish these ideas on the efficiency market, dena initiates networks, centres of expertise and motivational campaigns, that advocate greater energy efficiency.

The Energy Efficiency Platform as an example: how dena provides support

Lively communication, individual consulting and a forward-looking debate are all needed to make the necessary information available at all of these points. dena is the right partner here. For instance, dena developed the so-called Service for Experts to provide architects, engineers, energy consultants and trades firms with a central repository containing all of the available information on energy-efficient building and refurbishment, as well as helpful tools for everyday tasks and tips for dealing with clients, therefore providing experts with the easiest possible access to all of the relevant information. After all, energy-efficient buildings will automatically become more successful if the experts provide outstanding services.

dena also runs the campaign office, ensuring scientific and organisational support for the Energy Efficiency Platform. The initiative was created by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The aim is to exploit the expertise of the many different stakeholders as a contribution to achieving the national and European energy efficiency objectives. Business, consumer and environmental associations, trade unions, energy agencies and national and state ministries are represented on the platform.

Our projects

Aufbau Kompetenzzentrum KEDi

Das KEDi unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen sowie die Gebäudewirtschaft dabei, Energieeffizienz-potenziale mittels Digitalisierung besser zu erschließen. Hierfür erhöht das KEDi zusammen mit Partnern die Sichtbarkeit entsprechender Lösungen, intensiviert den Austausch unter den Interessensgruppen und begleitet politische Prozesse.


  • Projektdauer: 2022 bis mindestens 2027
  • Projektziele: Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch Digitalisierung in Industrie und Gebäuden
  • Zielgruppen: Marktakteurinnen und -akteure in Unternehmen (insbesondere KMU), Gebäudewirtschaft, Forschung, Dienstleistende, Politik
  • Bis zu 30 Prozent geschätztes Einsparpotenzial Endenergie durch Digitalisierung im Gebäude- und Industriesektor

Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD)

The BETD is organised by invitation of the German Federal Government in collaboration with the German Renewable Energy Federation (Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie, BEE), the German Solar Association (Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft, BSW-Solar), the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur, dena) and eclareon.


  • Project start: 2015
  • Project objective: The BETD strengthens the international exchange of experience on the transformation of energy systems.
  • Project partners: German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar), German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and eclareon GmbH


Der Gebäudebereich bietet enormes Potenzial zur Einsparung und effizienter Nutzung von Energie. Der dena-Gebäudereport gibt einen umfassenden Überblick zum energetischen Zustand von Gebäuden in Deutschland und fasst wichtige Informationen übersichtlich zusammen.


  • Erscheint seit 2012 jährlich
  • auf 200 Seiten die wichtigsten Daten zur Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden
  • Analysen, Prognosen, Szenarien grafisch aufbereitet; mit Kernaussagen erläutert
  • Themenbreite: von Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden bis  Eigentümer- und Mieterstrukturen  im  Kontext politischer, wirtschaftlicher und historischer Ereignisse
  • Project Information

dena Study Integrated Energy Transition

The goal of the Study is to make the expertise and requirements of the industry available to successfully design the second phase of the energy transition.


  • Project launch: February 2017
  • Project term: June 2018
  • Over 60 partners
  • Focus: Energy systems, buildings, transport, industry

Durchführung Vor-Ort-Kontrollen (KfW)

Die KfW hat seit Anfang November 2013 die Vor-Ort-Kontrollen in ihren Programmen Energieeffizient Bauen und Sanieren ausgeweitet. Die Kontrollen werden von der dena koordiniert und dokumentiert. Hierfür hat die dena im Rahmen eines europaweiten Ausschreibungsverfahrens den Zuschlag erhalten.


  • Projektbeginn: 2013
  • Auftraggeber: KfW
  • sichert die Einhaltung hoher Qualitätsstandards bei Effizienzhäusern und Einzelmaßnahmen
  • mehr als 400 Vor-Ort-Kontrollen pro Jahr
  • Project Information

Eco-Cities in China

The Eco Cities in China project develops practice-oriented criteria for the sustainability of urban infrastructure and appropriate strategies and management instruments. In 27 pilot cities in China, proven German energy efficiency technologies and services are being tested and further developed.


  • 27 pilot cities
  • Project start: 2015
  • Partner:  Chinese Society for Urban Studies and China Eco-City Academy
  • Nations: Germany and PR China

Energy-Efficient Municipalities

Municipalities which consume less energy save money and promote climate protection. With its "Energy-Efficient Municipalities" project, dena aims to motivate local communities in Germany to introduce systematic energy and climate protection management. dena offers certification as a dena Energy-Efficient Municipality to cities and towns that have successfully introduced such a management system.


  • Project start: 2009
  • dena organises series of consulting events in numerous municipalities all across Germany
  • Three certified dena energy-efficient model municipalitities

Energieeffiziente Kommunen Kasachstan

Mit Hilfe von Best-Practice-Beispielen soll die Kompetenz von Kommunen und Regionen in Kasachstan im Handlungsfeld Energieeffizienz gestärkt werden. Zudem unterstützt die dena eine Pilotkommune bei der Einführung eines Energie- und Klimaschutzmanagements.


  • Ziele: Kommunen bei der Entwicklung einer langfristig angelegten Kommunikationsstrategie für Energieeffizienz zu unterstützen, auf kommunaler Ebene die Entwicklung von Energiemanagement voranzutreiben und in ersten Pilotanwendungen umzusetzen.
  • Partner: Institut für Stromwirtschaft und Energieeffizienz, Ministerium für Investitionen und Entwicklung der Republik Kasachstan, Akimat der Region Karagandy, Stadt Shakhtinsk
  • Teilnehmer: Kommunen, lokale Energieberatungsunternehmen, Hersteller von Effizienztechnologien
  • Projektdauer: 2018 bis 2019
  • Gefördert durch das BMWi
  • Project Information

Energieeffizienz der Wärmeversorgung in der Industrie Kasachstans

Die dena unterstützt die Regierung Kasachstans bei der Umsetzung ihres Modernisierungs- und Industrialisierungsprogramms im Handlungsfeld Energieeffiziente Wärmeversorgung in der Industrie.


  • Projektstart: Januar 2018
  • Projektlaufzeit: 1,5 Jahre
  • Arbeitsinhalte: Erstellung einer Informations- und Motivationsbroschüre, Organisation einer Delegationsreise kasachischer Vertreter nach Deutschland und Durchführung einer Fachveranstaltung in Kasachstan
  • Gefördert durch das BMWi
  • Project Information

Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes

Investors can consult the Database of Energy Efficiency Experts for Government Funding Programmes to find experts in the area of energy-efficient building and refurbishment.


  • Project start 2011
  • Source of funding: BMWK, KfW Bankengruppe, BAFA
  • Number of listed experts: over 18,000 and about 16,000 available online
  • Number of network partners: 23