The challenge: The European energy transition needs Member States to cooperate with one another if it is to be successful. European energy policy is particularly effective when all nations pull togeth
The challenge: Anyone who wants to build a new energy-efficient building or realise one as part of a renovation project relies on the help of qualified experts. Because even small inaccuracies in the
The challenge While climate protection and energy efficiency in China have often taken a back seat to the goal of economic success in the past, a paradigm shift is now underway. This shift is based, a
Goal: Building efficiency The energy transition brings with it opportunities for the creation of new markets and service sectors. One good example of this is contracting. This involves a building owne
A united voice for building efficiency The challenge was as follows: In order to achieve the German government’s goals for the energy transition in the building sector, buildings in Germany must becom
More efficiency through networking The challenge was as follows: In its decisions formulated in 2010/2011, the German federal government set out ambitious targets for increasing energy efficiency and
The challenge was as follows: Each energy consultation consists of tailored advice. Hence, so far, the evaluation of the results of the discussions, calculations, and recommendations varied depending
Saving energy with energy and climate protection management 70 percent of all CO 2 emissions from the public sector come from cities and local communities. Each year, municipalities in Germany spend 3
The BMWK framework agreement includes support in economic, technical and legal issues in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources for heating and cooling systems and waste heat, among
Our Experts Christian Stolte Head of Division Climate-neutral buildings Contact The challenge: Reducing greenhouse gases in Germany by 80 to 95 per cent by the year 2050 requires not only the substant