This is the challenge: Germany and Poland have set ambitious goals to promote the energy transition, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ensure energy security and secure the prosperity of their citizens
29/03/23 Winners in five categories: dena presents Start Up Energy Transition Award 2023 An international jury of experts has nominated 15 start-ups with the most innovative business models in the fie
Das ist die Herausforderung: Deutschland hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2045 treibhausgasneutral zu sein. Das stellt insbesondere die Industrie und Gebäudewirtschaft vor große Herausforderungen, denn
The challenge Germany has set itself ambitious goals for climate protection and energy efficiency. The energy supply must be shifted towards renewable energies to the greatest extent possible, and at
This is the challenge Reaching carbon neutrality by 2060 is an ambitious goal by the world’s largest economy. Energy supply in China still mainly relies on coal, with wind and solar accounting for onl
The project “System transformation for an optimised integration of renewable energies in Ukraine” was carried out by dena with support of Elia Grid International (EGI) and iC consulenten (iC). The pro
The UNECE RE-Uptake project is jointly undertaken by the UNECE, REN21 and dena, and in close cooperation with and commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). T
The challenge: The global energy transition requires international consensus and coordinated action. Investments in sustainable energy systems and an even stronger commitment on the path to climate ne
This is the challenge: The German-Turkish Energy Partnership was launched in 2011 with the aim of boosting bilateral cooperation in energy matters and anchoring it formally in an annual Energy Forum w
The challenge: Start-ups around the world are making a major contribution to the global energy transition with innovative ideas. While some countries and regions have well-established ecosystems for t