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German-Danish District Heating Forum

A German-Danish dialogue concept to promote innovative approaches in the field of renewable heating

Goal: to intensify German-Danish cooperation on the decarbonisation and transformation of district heating

Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Overall system, Business models, Legal framework, International partnership, Municipal governments, Heating transition, Generating and distributing energy

Runtime: since 2024

Moderne Hochwärmerohre, die Wärme zur Beheizung der Stadt leiten vor einem Wohnviertel. Offene Verlegung auf Pfeilern.

Our mission

The expansion and decarbonisation of heating networks in Denmark is already progressing successfully. Germany and Denmark want to strengthen their cooperation and exploit multiple synergies in the heating sector to ensure a future-proof energy supply. For example, dena and the Danish Energy Agency are continuously expanding their cooperation. The long-term goal is to create a joint platform. This is intended to facilitate a regular exchange of knowledge and networking among relevant stakeholders. 

Nahaufnahme von zwei menschlichen Händen mit Stiften, über einer Liegenschaftskarte.

Our approach

The German-Danish District Heating Forum focuses on the structured exchange of experience and expertise between Denmark and Germany. To this end, relevant policymakers and the various sector-specific networks and players in both countries are being brought together. Stakeholder dialogues and expert panels discuss the challenges and potential of decarbonising district heating. Possible recommendations for action and strategies are also being developed. The project is being implemented jointly by dena, the Danish Energy Agency and the Danish Embassy in Berlin.

Oberirdische Wärmerohre vor einer Herbstlandschaft

Our milestones

  • 12 November 2024: official kick-off event at the dena Energy Transition Congress in Berlin, Germany
  • October 2023: together with European experts, dena and the Danish Energy Agency discussed the decarbonisation and regulation of district heating in Germany, Denmark and the European Union.

Our project partners

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