German-Danish District Heating Forum
A German-Danish dialogue concept to promote innovative approaches in the field of renewable heating
Goal: to intensify German-Danish cooperation on the decarbonisation and transformation of district heating
Topics: Energy efficiency, Renewable energies, Overall system, Business models, Legal framework, International partnership, Municipal governments, Heating transition, Generating and distributing energy
Runtime: since 2024
Let us know if we can help!
© Hoffotografen
Dr. Rita Ehrig
Team Leader, Renewable energies T: +49 30 66 777 - 759 rita.ehrig(at)dena.de
© Götz Schleser
Tibor Fischer
Director, Renewable energies T: +49 30 66 777 - 791 tibor.fischer(at)dena.de
Dr. Tim Mennel
Leading Expert, Market Design T: +49 30 66 777-128 tim.mennel(at)dena.de
Shervin Balali
Expert, Renewable energies T: +49 30 66 777-503 shervin.balali(at)dena.de