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The Energy Efficiency Award

There are four award categories in the Energy Efficency Award. In addition, dena awards a special prize amongst all applying small and medium-size enterprises for particularly innovative solutions.

The nominated projects and the award winners are selected by a jury of experts with representatives from politics, business, science and the media. The award ceremony takes place during the dena Congress on November 3rd, 2025.

The Energy Efficiency Award honours completed projects and concepts that have a special impact on the energy transition and climate protection.

All important information as well as the terms and conditions for applying for the Energy Efficency Award 2025 will be made available shortly.

The Award Categories

Think big!

Systemic thinking and integrated solutions for the energy transition are needed here. This includes, for example, the use of renewable energies or systemic measures.

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Achieving more together!

Rewards the involvement of external expertise in conception and planning through to implementation and financing.

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From Clever to Digital!

This category focuses on energy efficiency, e.g., through digitalization measures. 

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Moving forward!

Here, concepts are required that show how the path to climate neutrality and transformation of industry can succeed.

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Special prize for Small and Medium-size Enterprises

In addition, dena will award a special prize for particularly innovative solutions to an SME from among all applications. The prize is awarded independently of the above categories.

"With the Energy Efficiency Award, dena puts the spotlight on companies that successfully implement energy efficency and climate protection into business activities."
Corinna Enders, Chairperson of dena’s Management Board

Rewarding the winners: prize money, label, publicity

The five winners of the Energy Efficiency Award are honored at the festive dena Congress. The winners receive a certificate from dena, a winner’s label and a trophy. Short corporate videos are produced to highlight the award winning entries of the four competition categories, which the respective companies can use in their public relations work. The prize for small and medium-sized enterprises is endowed with 5,000 euros.

Rewarding the nominees: label and publicity

In the fall, just before dena hosts its annual congress, dena publishes the shortlist with the nominated projects. The nominees are entitled to actively use the nomination for their own corporate communication. They may also use an individualised EEA label for this purpose.